Facebook Changes From 2005 to Timeline

It hasn’t been too long at all since the idea for Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg and some colleagues. Some refer to Facebook as the Social Media revolution which has impacted nearly a billion people – that’s right, there are now approximately 800 million users on Facebook not to shy of the billion mark. It’s clear Facebook has had some obvious changes throughout the past, from the initial launch the name was originally registered under “TheFacebook.com” later changed to just Facebook.com because it was simple and easier.

Many of us are curious about what this great social networking site may have looked
like in the past, today we are going to take a look at a few of the makeovers from 2005 to present.


2005: The Facebook

Less than a million users using Facebook at the time this image was snapped shot.
Even back in 2005 we still can see how simple Facebook was, the color scheme hasn’t changed but the layout has definitely been improved!


Facebook 2006:

Welcome 2006, just a year later new changes are introduced including the “news feed” and “mini-feeds” which display a users activity.


Facebook 2007:

We’re definitely getting there! Not a whole lot different from the 2006 profiles, but you can see how most of the content a user would access is located on the left side as well as the search, still a very simple and clean design.


Facebook 2008:

2008 brought a great FB makeover, as you can see the tabs at the top for Wall, Info and Photos. Users were also introduced to the application tab as well as publisher toolbar which made it possible for users to create status updates, share links and more to his/her profile.


Facebook 2009:

I’m sure many of us are familiar with the 2009 design! Facebook introduced the “fan pages” I still remember the become a fan buttons which quickly changed over to like buttons because “like”. Liking or becoming a fan of a page would let you see that pages updates posted directly to your wall which has became a great way for business to grow online through social media.

Facebook 2010:
2010 Facebook introduced the classic photo banner which we are all very familiar with. Other then that changes remained just about the same. Facebook also informed you what friends/fans you had in common in the upper right-hand corner of each page.


Facebook in 2011:

Welcome 2011! Many of us are aware of the Facebook ticker which was added in the upper-right hand corner of Facebook, this displays the latest feed from our friends and essentially people we are subscribed to, it shows all activity, comments and more. Some are concerned that the Facebook Ticker is a privacy concern to users.


The Facebook Timeline: Digital Scrapbook

At last we present the latest profile change which completely gives Facebook a new style, look and feel. The timeline profile is meant to be like a digital scrapbook where users can add photos and even add years on their timeline before they even ever setup an account. The new timelines will be released soon.


What’s Next?

The latest announcement if the Facebook Timelines, what perhaps do you think is next? What should we expect to see in a year or two? I want you readers to use your creativity and come up with some ideas for what upcoming designs, whether it be for an application, profile makeover or more! Be creative.

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